Electric peeler

155,00 € 1167,85 KN
Available: 9 items
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The only machine capable of peeling oranges, apples, potatoes and more.

General features:

  • Orange Peel starts at the push of a button
  • Allows quick and safe cleaning
  • Peel any kind of fruit and vegetable with spherical or oval
  • Full manual included in the package
  • Cylinder with three points (trident) to hold fruits and food
  • Cylinder with positioner (probe tube) to adjust the thickness of the cutting blade
  • Cable connection include
  • All parts that come in contact with fruits are made of stainless steel
  • Peels 3-4 oranges in 1 minute
  • Color: white / black
  • Electric cable lenght: 140cm
  • Size: w250 x d165 x h230 mm
  • Weight: 1,8 kg
  • Power consumtion: 24W
  • Made in Spain (Pelamatic S.L.)
Orange Peel 2015 (English version) - Electric peeler - Pelamatic SLElektrična gulilica za agrume
Electric peeler
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