Security of Online Payments

While conducting payments on our web shop you are using CorvusPay – an advanced system for secure acceptance of credit cards on the Internet.

CorvusPay ensures complete privacy of your credit card data from the moment you type them into the CorvusPay payment form. Data required for billing is forwarded encrypted from your web browser to the bank that issued your payment card. Our store never comes into contact with your sensitive payment card data. Similarly, CorvusPay operators cannot access your complete cardholder data. An isolated system core independently transmits and manages sensitive data while at the same time keeping it completely safe.

The form for entering payment data is secured by an SSL transmission cipher of the greatest reliability. All stored data is additionally protected by hi-grade encryption, using hardware devices certified by FIPS 140 2 Level 3 standard. CorvusPay fulfills all of the requirements for safe online payment prescribed by the leading credit card brands, operating in compliance to the PCI DSS Level 1 standard - the highest security standard of the payment card industry. Payments made by cards enroled with the 3-D Secure program are further authenticated by the issuing bank, confirming your identity through the use of a token or a password.

All information collected by Corvus Info is considered a banking secret and treated accordingly. The information is used exclusively for the purposes for which they were intended. Your sensitive data is fully secure and it’s privacy is guaranteed by the state of the art safeguard mechanisms. We collect only the data necessary for performing the work in accordance with the demanding prescribed procedures for online payment.

Security controls and operating procedures applied within the CorvusPay infrastructure not only ensure current reliability of CorvusPay but permanently maintain and enhance the security levels of protecting your credit card information by maintaining strict access controls, regular security and in-depth system checks for preventing network vulnerabilities.

Thank you for using CorvusPay!





Privacy policy

VER VITA d.o.o. is commited to protect customer personal data. Only necessary data will be selected for completing order/contract. Company informs customers about the way we collect their information and gives customers choice about how their information is used, including the decision whether or not to remove their data form marketing campaign list. All VER VITA d.o.o. employees and business partners are responsible to respect this privacy data principles.
All data collected during products ordering will be used only within VER VITA d.o.o. company and only for purposes for which they are selected. The site is NOT saving card numbers or other entered card data. This data IS NOT saved or stored in any database.

This statement commits us to protect the privacy of our users, customers and visitors of our site and the security of personal information provided to us through the website.

This notice describes the type of information we can collect from you when you visit our website and explains how we use these data and the steps we take to protect it. The notice also describes the choices you have about collecting and using your information when visiting our website.

What information do we collect about you and how do we use it?

In general, you can visit our website without disclosing personal information about yourself. We do not collect personal information about you (such as your name and contact details) when you visit this website unless you voluntarily submit data using one of the available forms for a particular purpose (contact form, registration form, shopping form, subscribe to the newsletter) and thereby give your consent to the collection and use of your personal information for the purposes mentioned. All personal data is used solely for the purposes for which they were collected and for which they were granted. We will not make the collected data in any way available to unauthorized third parties, except for the legally prescribed purpose. All data is deleted upon termination of the purpose for which it was collected or termination of the contractual relationship and no later than the expiration of all legal obligations related to the retention of personal data.

Here are some additional circumstances in which we will share your information with authorized third parties and additional purposes for which we use your information:

Providing Information to Google Inc.
Google collects information through our use of Google Analytics on our website. Google uses this information, including IP addresses and cookie data, for multiple purposes, such as improving Google Analytics. Information is shared with Google on an anonymous basis. To find out more about what information Google collects, how to use this information, and how to control information sent to Google, see the Google Privacy Policy partner page. You can opt out of Google Analytics by installing the following plug-in to your browser:

We share data with our accountants for tax purposes. For example, we share the invoices we issue and receive with our accountants for the purposes of completing tax returns and accounts at the end of the year.

Types of personal data process

The personal data collected on the basis of the contact form are: first and last name and e-mail, and in addition, if it is specified: address, city and postal code, telephone number.
The personal information collected on the basis of your application to the newsletter is: e-mail address.
Personal information collected on the basis of the registration form and the shopping form: name and last name, e-mail, address, city and zip code, phone number.

Information that is automatically collected on our website

We automatically collect information in server log files, such as your IP address, browser type, redirection / exit page, and operating system. We use this information to manage our web pages and our technical solutions, understand how visitors move through our website and services and improve your experience while using our website and services.

Access and update your personal information

Our user has the following rights at any time:

  • the right to access data and access to data
  • right to information on processing of personal data
  • right to data transfer
  • the right to withdraw privola
  • the right to file a complaint
  • right to correction and change of personal data in case the information is incomplete or incorrect
  • the right to be deleted in cases such as cessation of processing, withdrawal of a claim or in the case of filing a complaint

If you want to accomplish any of these rights, please contact us via the contact form on our website.

Security of your personal information

We are committed to taking appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized or unlawful handling of them and their accidental loss, destruction or damage. When submitting your personal information through our website, this information is sent over the Internet safely through high-quality encryption and stored on our secure servers.


Izjava o povjerljivosti

Ova izjava o povjerljivosti podataka odnosi se na povjerljivost podataka koji se nalaze na Internet stranici i koje su korištenjem te stranice prikupljene i pohranjene u bazama podataka VER VITA d.o.o.
VER VITA d.o.o. kao pružatelj usluga Internetske stranice pridržava se zakonskih propisa sa ciljem zaštite privatnosti korisnika.

Molimo da krajnji korisnici pročitaju sve navedeno na ovoj stranici kako bi razumjeli koje informacije VER VITA d.o.o. prikuplja i kako ih koristi.

Krajnji korisnik koji ima bilo kakva pitanja u vezi povjerljivosti podataka može poslati e-mail poruku na adresu

Molimo da krajnji korisnici pažljivo pročitaju ovu izjavu o povjerljivosti podataka. Pristupanjem ili uporabom naše internetske stranice, krajnji korisnik potvrđuje da je pročitao, razumio i da se slaže sa svim uvjetima povjerljivosti podataka i načinima uporabe internetske stranice.

Ukoliko se krajnji korisnik ne slaže s ovom Izjavom o povjerljivosti, upućujemo krajnjeg korisnika da napusti te ne pristupa i ne koristi Internetsku stranicu

Ovu izjavu o povjerljivosti podataka VER VITA d.o.o. može izmijeniti u bilo kojem trenutku objavljivanjem izmijenjenog teksta izjave o povjerljivosti podataka u dijelu "Povjerljivost podataka" na Internet stranici. Izmjene izjave o povjerljivosti podataka stupa na snagu odmah nakon objave na Internetskoj stranici

Svaki Krajnji korisnik sam je odgovoran i dužan periodično pregledati ovu stranicu i proučiti bilo kakve promjene u Izjavi o povjerljivosti podataka. Nastavak uporabe ove Internetske stranice od strane krajnjeg korisnika nakon stupanja na snagu takvih izmjena, podrazumijeva da krajnji korisnik potvrđuje i prihvaća sve uvjete tako izmijenjene Izjave o povjerljivosti podataka.

VER VITA d.o.o. prikuplja informacije koje identificiraju specifičnog krajnjeg korisnika. Kada se krajnji korisnik uključi u određene aktivnosti na Internetskoj stranici, kao što su otvaranje korisničkog računa, naručivanje proizvoda ili usluga, slanje povratnih informacija VER VITA d.o.o. može od krajnjeg korisnika zatražiti pružanje određenih informacija o sebi kao što su ime i prezime, adresa (uključujući poštanski broj), e-mail adresa, telefonski broj, informacije o broju vaše kreditne kartice, datum valjanosti, kod za autorizaciju te druge s tim povezane informacije. Uključivanje u Identifikacijske aktivnosti i davanje osobnih podataka je odluka krajnjeg korisnika. Ako krajnji korisnik ne pruži te obavezne informacije za određenu aktivnost koja ih zahtijeva, neće mu biti dopušteno uključivanje u takvu aktivnost.

VER VITA d.o.o. neće dijeliti osobne podatke krajnjeg korisnika s drugim stranama osim u slučajevima navedenim u slijedećoj točki i u situaciji kada to pozitivni propisi zahtijevaju.

Osobne podatke će VER VITA d.o.o. koristiti za slanje i distribuciju administrativnih i promocijskih e-mail poruka, analizu podataka, obradu plaćanja kreditnim karticama. VER VITA d.o.o. može podijeliti osobne podatke krajnjeg korisnika s Pružateljima usluga distribucije robe za ispunjavanje narudžbi, isporuku paketa, slanje zemaljske pošte i e-mail pošte.

Krajnji korisnik ima mogućnost pristupa i promjene osobnih podataka koje pruži VER VITA d.o.o. Krajnji korisnik može promijeniti bilo koju od svojih osobnih podataka slanjem e-mail poruke na U toj e-mail poruci krajnji korisnik treba navesti svoje ime i prezime, adresu i e-mail adresu, te koje informacije želi nadopuniti.

Kao uvjet kupnje VER VITA d.o.o. proizvoda i usluga, VER VITA d.o.o. traži dozvolu krajnjeg korisnika za slanje Administrativne i Promocijske e-mail poruke. Ukoliko kao krajnji korisnik ne želite primati e-mail poruke u bilo kojem trenutku nakon registriranja možete odabrati opciju otkazivanja primanja e-mail poruka slanjem e-mail poruke na ili odabirom opcije otkazivanja newslettera koja se nalazi u svakoj newsletter poruci.

Zaštitu podataka VER VITA d.o.o. uzima ozbiljno i poduzimamo mjere opreza kako bi zaštitili Vaše osobne podatke. Nažalost, niti jedan prijenos podataka preko Interneta, ili bilo koje bežične mreže ne može biti 100% siguran. Kao posljedica toga, iako VER VITA d.o.o. provodi komercijalno razumne zaštitne mjere za zaštitu podataka ne može jamčiti zaštitu bilo koje informacije prenesene na, ili s Internetske stranice te nije odgovoran za radnje bilo koje treće strane koja takve informacije primi.

Maloljetnici mlađi od 14. godina ne smiju koristiti Internetsku stranicu. VER VITA d.o.o. ne prikuplja ili zadržava informacije od bilo koga tko je mlađi od 14. godina te stoga ni jedan dio ovih Internetskih stranica nije dizajniran na način da privuče bilo koga tko je mlađi od 14. godina.



VER VITA d.o.o. does not take responsibility for the accuracy of any information provided or any errors found on this website.
We use our best efforts to provide up-to-date and accurate information, which is why the content of this website is updated on an ongoing basis and is subject to changes.
We will not be liable for any damage or loss directly or indirectly resulting from the use of this website.
The user agrees that no employee of VER VITA d.o.o. or any other individual or entity involved in the development of this website may be held liable for any damage or loss incurred by any other individual or entity as a result of using this website.


Currency conversion statement

All payments will be effected in Croatian currency.
The amount your credit card account will be charged for is obtained through the conversion of the price in Euro into Croatian kuna according to the current exchange rate of the Croatian National bank. When charging your credit card, the same amount is converted into your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations. As a result of this conversion there is a possibility of a slight difference from the original price stated in our web site.


Terms of use

By accessing or using web Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use.
The content of these web pages is provided by the VER VITA d.o.o. team and it is protected by copyright.
Except as otherwise expressly provided in the content thereof, you have the right to view, copy, print and/or distribute (but not alter) the content on this web Site, provided that you shall use this content for information and not for commercial purposes and that the contents you will use have in display the relevant copyright info.


Uvjeti prodaje

Kupac može postati svaka punoljetna i poslovno sposobna osoba koja prihvaća naše uvjete poslovanja što se potvrđuje narudžbom artikala. Prihvaćanje općih uvjeta poslovanja kupac potvrđuje prilikom narudžbe za kupnju artikala putem našeg WEB SHOPA.

Cijene u WEB SHOP-u izražene su u HRK sa PDV-om.

Istaknute cijene sadržavaju akcijski popust. U slučaju promjene cijena sva naručena roba bit će isporučena po cijenama koje su bile aktualne pri izradi predračuna. Valjanost predračuna je 5 dana.

Proces kupovine, uvjeti poslovanja, kupnje i prodaje robe putem našeg WEB SHOP-a definirani su slijedećim parametrima: registracija korisnika, narudžba, odabir načina plaćanja, dostava, povrat i reklamacija robe.

Kupcem se smatra svaka osoba koja elektronski naruči barem jedan proizvod, popuni tražene podatke i pošalje ih putem web aplikacije na našem WEB SHOP-u.

VER VITA d.o.o. Vam omogućuje naručivanje proizvoda plaćanjem izravno putem interneta (WEB SHOP) i to:


  • Do 12 rata bez kamata za kartice: ZABA, PBZ, American Express, Diners
    Nakon odabira plaćanja Karticama i unosa broja kartice sustav će automatski prepoznati vrstu kartice i za gore navedene kartice izaberite broj rata po želji (najviše 12). Minimalni iznos narudžbe za mogućnost plaćanje na rate je 500,00 kn
  • Jednokratno
    Karticom tekućeg ili transakcijskog računa (Maestro) - sve banke, Kreditnim karticama: American Express, MasterCard, Maestro, Visa, Diners, Discover, Dinacard
    Općom uplatnicom ili Internet bankarstvom (odabir načina plaćanja prilikom naručivanja u našem web shopu ili po primitku ponude od strane VER VITA d.o.o.)
    Gotovinom pouzećem (po primitku pošiljke kuriru dostavne službe na ruke)

1. Plaćanje po primitku pošiljke:

Opcija plaćanja pouzećem Vam omogućuje da iznos narudžbe podmirite prilikom dostave na navedenu adresu dostavljaču kurirske službe, tek kada robu stigne na Vašu adresu. Plaćanje pouzećem nije moguće kod osobnog preuzimanja na našem skladištu. Plaćanje pouzećem se vrši isključivo u gotovini, dostavljaču prilikom same isporuke na navedenu adresu. U slučaju da primatelj nije u mogućnosti zaprimiti pošiljku na definiranoj dostavnoj adresi u trenutku dostave, dostavljač ostavlja obavijest o prispijeću pošiljke.

2. Plaćanje kreditnim karticama:

Do 12 rata bez kamata za kartice: ZABA, PBZ, American Express, Diners
Visa kartica ostalih banka jednokratno
MasterCard kartica ostalih banaka jednokratno
Maestro kartica svih banaka jednokratno

American Express MasterCard Maestro Visa Diners Discover Dinacard


3. Virmansko plaćanje

NALOGOM ZA PLAĆANJE (VIRMAN-UPLATNICA) – e-bankarstvom, virmanom ili općom uplatnicom na temelju ispisanog predračuna čija je opcija 5 dana.

Kod izbora ovog načina plaćanja, na Vašu e-mail adresu dobiti ćete predračun sa svim podacima potrebnim za uplatu, uključujući broj računa na koji trebate uplatiti vrijednost narudžbe. Uplatu zatim možete izvršiti korištenjem internet bankarstva ili načinom na koji inače plaćate svoje račune - banka, pošta, Fina...
Po zaprimljenoj uplati, poslat ćemo vam naručene proizvode.

VER VITA d.o.o., Lanište 1f, 10020 Zagreb, Hrvatska
IBAN: HR2323400091110737794
Svrha: plaćanje po predračunu
Poziv na broj: model prazno -50-BROJ PREDRAČUNA-01
Iznos: "iznos narudžbe"

Za sve dodatne informacije - KONTAKT MOBITEL: 095/554 52 06

U cilju brže obrade i isporuke narudžbe Vas pošaljite mail sa detaljima uplate na


Proizvodi se naručuju putem košarice i neopozivi su. Ukoliko prodavatelj nije u mogućnosti isporučiti sve naručene proizvode, o tome će obavijestiti kupca e-mailom i/ili telefonom te dogovoriti novi termin isporuke ili povrat novca.



''Od vrata do vrata unutar 1 radnog dana''. Vršimo povoljniju i bržu isporuku prema Vama.

Naručena roba dostavlja se do ispred kuće, zgrade... Dostava je besplatna za sve narudžbe iznad 200€, a za narudžbe manje od tog iznosa naplaćuje se 6€ na području cijele Hrvatske.

Rok isporuke računa se od trenutka kad zaprimimo uplatu naručene robe na naš žiro račun ili kada transakcija putem kreditne kartice bude autorizirana i odobrena.

Dostava u Sloveniju - dostava se naplaćuje 10€
Dostava u ostale zemlje Europske Unije - dostava se naplaćuje 30€

Šaljemo kurirskom službom DPD ili GLS.

Narudžbe koje zaprimimo radnim danom putem e-maila ili telefonski do 13.30h, isporučujemo vam isti dan sa naše adrese kurirskom službom, a dostavlja vam se drugi radni dan na vašu adresu u toku dana (okvirno vrijeme kurirske dostave, 10h-16h).

Preostale narudžbe, pristigle poslije 13.30h, isporučujemo drugi radni dan i stižu dan kasnije na vašu adresu.

Isporuka i dostava pošiljaka se vrši svakim radnim danom osim subote, nedjelje i praznika.

Za pristigle narudžbe koje se naručene preko neradnih dana, (vikend, blagdanski dani, državni praznici) naručenu pošiljku isporučujemo prvi radni dan i očekujte dostavu na vašoj adresi u roku od 1 radnog dana od kad smo poslali, izuzev otoka (za raspored vožnje na otoke, pogledajte pri dnu ove iste stranice).

Dodatno pojašnjenje:

Ako ste naručili u nedjelju narudžbu putem weba u ponedjeljak je šaljemo, a u utorak vam je kurir dostavlja na vašu adresu.

Sve narudžbe naručene u petak do 13.30h isporučujemo isti dan i dostavljaju se u ponedjeljak Vama na adresu.

Sve narudžbe pristigle u petak iza 13.30h isporučujemo u ponedjeljak kako bi vam bile dostavljene u utorak u tijeku radnog vremena.

Prilikom narudžbe potrebno je ostaviti kontakt broj mobitela ili telefona kao obavezan podatak za slučaj da vas kurir ne pronađe u tom trenutku na adresi, nazvati će vas na taj broj za ponovnu besplatnu dostavu isti dan.

Ukoliko je potrebno, napišite nam dodatnu informaciju kako bi olakšali sam tijek dostave vama i kuriru ( koju ćemo mi prenijeti na naljepnici pošiljke kurirskoj službi)

primjer; ''Dostaviti iza 15h'', ''Nazvati na mobitel prije dostave'', ''Ulaz iza zgrade 1.kat'' i sl.

Nakon što se nam ostavili broj mobitela kao obavezan podatak, primit ćete 2 sms poruke:

  1. sms- kada je vaša pošiljka pripremljena za isporuku kod nas u trgovini
  2. sms- drugi radni dan stiže vam obavijest o terminu dostave, 2-3h prije same dostave vaše pošiljke.


Kod isporuke na hrvatske otoke, dostava može potrajati dulje od 24h.


Mjesta koja podležu posebnoj dostavi:
20226 Babine Kuće
22235 Kaprije
23294 Premuda
23291 Sestrunj
23287 Veli Rat
20225 Babino Polje
20221 Koločep
20226 Polače
23295 Silba
20226 Velika Loza
20225 Blato
20224 Korita
23287 Polje
20290 Skrivena Luka
23287 Verunić
23286 Božava
20225 Kozarica
20226 Pomena
20225 Sobra
23281 Zaglav
23285 Brbinj
20290 Lastovo
20226 Pristanište
23287 Soline
20290 Zaklopatica
23292 Brgulje
20222 Lopud
20224 Prožura
20226 Soline
23292 Zapuntel
21430 Donje Selo
23282 Luka
20224 Prožurska Luka
21430 Srednje Selo
22232 Zlarin
23286 Dragove
23284 Mali Iž
22233 Prvić Luka
21432 Stomorska
23291 Zverinac
21225 Drvenik Mali
20224 Maranovići
22234 Prvić Šepurine
20223 Suđurađ
23286 Zverinac
21225 Drvenik Veliki
21430 Maslinica
23283 Rava
51561 Susak
22236 Žirje
20290 Glavat
23292 Molat
23291 Rivanj
20290 Sušac
23282 Žman
21432 Gornje Selo
21432 Nečujam
21430 Rogač
20223 Šipanjska Luka
23294 Premuda
20226 Goveđari
20226 Njivice
20225 Ropa
20226 Tatinica
21430 Grohote
20224 Okuklje
23281 Sali
20290 Uble
51552 Ilovik
23296 Olib
20224 Saplunara
51562 Unije
23293 Ist
20290 Pasadur
23285 Savar
23284 Veli Iž


Povrat i reklamacije

U slučaju da ste iz bilo kojeg razloga nezadovoljni proizvodom, isti možete zamijeniti ili vratiti u zamjenu za novac unutar 7 dana od primitka. Kako bi ste ostvarili ovo pravo, potrebno je neoštećeni proizvod poslati u originalnom pakiranju sa svom opremom i dokumentacijom s kojim je proizvod bio originalno isporučen.

U slučaju da je pošiljka oštećena u transportu, takva su oštećenja vidljiva pri preuzimanju pošiljke te Vas u tom slučaju molimo da pošiljku NE PREUZIMATE OD DOSTAVLJAČA. Molimo Vas da nas kontaktirate kako bismo u što kraćem roku provjerili oštećenje proizvoda sa kurirskom službom i poslali Vam novi.

Ukoliko ustanovite, prilikom prve uporabe, da je uređaj koji ste dobili neispravan, molimo vas da nas kontaktirate kako bismo u što kraćem roku izvršili zamjenu za ispravan uređaj.

Svoju reklamaciju nam možete javiti na naše kontakt telefone 095/554 52 06 ili 095/654 52 06 ili pismeno na mail

Prilikom reklamiranja proizvoda, molimo Vas da nam javite broj narudžbe ili broj računa kojim je naručen/kupljen reklamirani proizvod.


Sukladno članku 10. Zakona o zaštiti potrošača (Narodne novine br.41/14) obavještavamo potrošače da nezadovoljstvo u odnosu na kupljeni proizvod ili pruženu uslugu mogu iskazati prigovorom u pisanoj formi pri čemu ćemo vam bez odgađanja pisano potvrditi primitak prigovora. Prigovor možete poslati putem pošte ili elektroničke pošte na adresu: VER VITA d.o.o., Lanište 1f, 10020 Zagreb, Hrvatska  ili e-mail adresu:
Trgovac se obvezuje u pisanom obliku odgovoriti u roku 15 dana od dana zaprimanja prigovora.



This website may contain links to other websites. The user may visit them at his/her own risk. VER VITA d.o.o. is not responsible for the content of any external website.



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  • First and Third Party Cookies
    • First-party cookies - released by this site. These cookies are often used for the proper functioning of the website and for remembering your preferences on the web site.
    • Third-party cookies are cookies that are placed by other websites or services such as YouTube. We have no access or control over these cookies. You should consult the relevant third party privacy policy. If you are in the European Union, you can learn more about how third-party users use this type of cookie on the following link:
  • Necessary and other cookies
    • Necessary cookies are necessary for the operation of our website and the use of its features and / or services. For example, they allow you to navigate through the website and sign in to safe areas. By using this website you will automatically be granted access to the necessary cookies without which the website can not work.
    • Performance cookies collect information about how visitors use our website, for example, which pages visitors most often come across and receive error messages from those pages. These cookies do not collect the information that identifies the visitor. All information collected by these cookies are anonymous. They only serve to improve the functioning of this website.
    • Functional cookies allow our website to remember the choices and adjustments you made during your visit and provide enhanced personal features. For example, remember to change your language preferences or currency preferences. They can also be used to enable third parties (such as AddThis) to provide social sharing tools and remember your preferred sharing services.
    • Marketing cookies are used to track visitors through the web site. It is intended to show ads that are relevant and interesting to a particular user, and thus more valuable to publishers and third-party advertisers.

Cookies used on this website:

    • The cookies with the name PHPSESSID contain only a reference to the session stored on the web server. No data is stored in the user's browser and this cookie can only be used on the current website.
    • First party cookies
    • Session Cookie
  • cc_cookie_accept
    • A cookie used to remember user settings - accepting all cookies on this website.
    • First party cookies
    • Session / Permanent Cookie (if you do not accept all cookies, then it's a Session cookie, otherwise it's a Permanent Cookie with a duration of 1 year)
  • cc_cookie_decline
    • A cookie used to remember user settings - accepting only the necessary cookies on this website.
    • First party cookies
    • Session / Permanent Cookie (If you accept all cookies, then it's a Session cookie, otherwise it's a Permanent Cookie with a duration of 1 year)
  • exp_
    • Various cookies that start with 'exp_'. These cookies are set by our content management system and include information such as: When you last visited our website, the previous pages you viewed, the length of the registered user session, session ID ... We use this information only for better functionality of the website. 'exp_csrf_token' is used to send forms on a page, this is a unique and random set of numbers and letters that protects our web site from spammers.
    • First party cookies
    • exp_csrf_token is a session cookie, rest are permanent cookies
  • __atuvc, __atuvs, _ga, _gid, act, bku, c_user, cw_id, datr, fr, loc, mus, na_id, na_tc, ouid, presence, sb, ssc, ssh, sshs, uid, uvc, wd, xs
    • This website uses AddThis, a provider of social services and web analytics services provided by Add This, Inc. ( "AddThis"). AddThis uses cookies to allow you to share content through social media. When you use the content sharing tools on our Website AddThis also collects information about what is shared, when and how. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address) is uploaded to the AddThis server and stored there. AddThis will use this information to evaluate your use of the site and compile activity reports on the web site operator's website. AddThis may transfer this information to third parties, if it is legally required, or if third parties process data for AddThis. AddThis can also use data that is not personal information about visits to our website in order to provide targeted advertising. See the AddThis Privacy Policy at the following link: On this page, you can opt out of collecting your behavioral-based web-based data.
    • First party cookies
    • Permanent cookies
  • _ga, _gid, _gat, AMP_TOKEN, _gac_
    • This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ( "Google"). Google Analytics uses cookies to analyze your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address) is uploaded and stored on a Google server in the United States. Google uses this information to evaluate your use of the site by providing activity reports on the Website Operators website. Google may transfer this information to third parties, if required by law, or if third parties process data on behalf of Google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data Google owns. See the Google Privacy Policy at the following link: Google has developed a browser plug-in to prevent access to your Google Analytics JavaScript data (ga.js, analytics.js, dc.js). You can download it here:
    • First party cookies
    • Permanent cookies

How to accept or reject cookies

You can always block the use of some or all of the cookies we use on our website, but this may affect its functionality.

The cookie settings box is located at the bottom of this page. After selecting the settings, you can reset those cookie settings at the bottom of this page at any time.

You can also accept or reject some or all cookies by customizing your browser settings. The following links provide information on how to change the settings for some of the most commonly used web browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Apple Safari, Opera. Some browsers allow you to surf in "anonymous" mode, limiting the amount of data set on your computer, and automatically deleting persistent cookies placed on your device when you finish browsing. There are many third-party apps you can add to your browser to block or manage cookies. You can also delete cookies that were previously set in your browser by selecting the option to clear the browsing history, and then turn on the cookie deletion option. For more information on cookies and setting your browser settings, visit